“Women and Labour: Surrogacy isn’t morally reprehensible. Surrogates should be seen as workers.”, The Indian Express, 18th of November 2015
“Made in India: Sketches from a Baby Farm”, Global Dialogue, Volume 4, Issue 3
“Wombs in Labour: Transnational Commercial Surrogacy in India” (Book), Columbia University Press, 2014
“Men vad är det som är så jobbigt?”, Sydsvensken 19th of October 2012
“At Least I Am Not Sleeping with Anyone”: Resisting the Stigma of Commercial Surrogacy in India
“It May Be Her Eggs But It’s My Blood”: Surrogats and Everyday Forms of Kinship in India
Commercial Surrogacy in India: Manufacturing a Perfect Mother-Worker
The Indian Express: Who owns these nine months?
The Indian Express: An Infantile Idea
Klap i, og fød! by Nina Trige Andersen, Information June 2013
For en rugemor handler det om mere end rettigheder, Interview with Amrita Pande, Information 17th of November 2012 (egnet til skolemateriale)
Lej en livmoder, Samvirke Maj 2012 (egnet til skolemateriale)
Vi, der benytter rugemødre, er en ukuelig stamme – by Nina Trige Andersen, Information August 2012
For mig var rollen som rugemor et kald – by Nina Trige Andersen, Information July 2012
Bør det være lovligt at bruge rugemor i Danmark?, Politiken 7rh of April 2012
Par med rugebørn strander i udlandet, Politiken 6th of April 2012
“I only need her uterus” by Charlotte Kroløkke and Saumya Pant
Childbirth at the Global Crossroads
Fair Trade International Surrogacy, Casey Humbyrd, 2009
“The Fertility Tourists” by Raekha Prasad
“India, the Rent-a-Womb Capital of the World”, by Amana Fontanella-Khan, 2010
“Biological Relatives: IVF, Stem Cells, and the Future of Kinship” by Sarah Franklin, Duke University Press, 2013
“The Red Market – On the Trail of the World’s Organ Brokers, Bone Thieves, Blood Farmers, and Child Traffickers” by Scott Carney, 2011
“Made in India” India, 2010 –
“Google Baby” Israel, 2009 – Exploring the business of outsourcing pregnancy (egnet til skolemateriale)
“Surrogacy! Exploiting the poor? Discussion at the Indian television channel NDTV
Smer- rapport 2013: Svensk Etisk Råds rapport om assisteret reproduktion (only available in Swedish)
Smer-rapport 2013: Sammendrag af Svensk Etisk Råds rapport om assisteret reproduktion (only available in Swedish)
Om Ditte Maria Bjerg og Amrita Pande